@database "VIB.guide" @Node Main "About safe hex international" @Next "ofsafeh" @Toc "Main" ABOUT SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL CONTENTS: @{" A little introduction of Safe Hex International " link ofsafeh} @{" The SHI anti-virus libraries, to prevent viruses " link shilibs} @{" Where you can get free virus help by phoning our hotline " link ad} PLEASE ATTENTION! Without your help too, we can't do this fight against the virus programmers and the virus spreading! We will be very happy, if you will send all new virus you maybe find for future updates. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP! WITHOUT YOUR VALUABLE HELP WE COULDN'T HAVE MAKED THIS PROGRAM!! @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node ofsafeh "About safe hex international" @Next "shilibs" @Prev "Main" @Toc "Main" A LITTLE INTRODUCTION OF SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL We are an international group, who have started trying to stop the spread of virus. Let us give you some examples: . Our organisation "Safe Hex International", SHI, is a grass roots movement, which started in 1987 with Amiga computers. Today we are an organisation with around 600 members, who are all more or less involved in our work. . The SHI motto is: "Safe Hex", who dares do anything else today? . SHI run non-profit, based on friendship and fairness. . A virus bank containing more than 1800 Amiga and PC viruses for supporting good shareware antivirus programs. . We help people to get money back lost by virus infection. . We write articles about virus problems for about 20 computer magazines worldwide. . We release the newest and the best virus killers around from wellknown programmers worldwide. . We have more than 35 PC and Amiga "Virus Centers" worldwide where you can get free virus help by phoning our "Hotline", and get the newest killers translated in your own language at very little cost reflecting the Fred Fish prices. @Endnode ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @Node shilibs "About safe hex international" @Next "Ad" @Prev "Main" @Toc "Main" THE SHI-ANTI VIRUS LIBRARIES, A QUITE NEW ...WAY TO PREVENT VIRUSES! The SHI-AntiVirLib is a complete professional package to implement some of this anti-virus.libraries in your own utility program in a VERY EASY...way you are programmer. SHI have worked more than 3 years to make this new excellent libraries, therefore we hope to get a posivtive feed-back from you. REMARK... these libraries are TOTAL FREE.... to use for all shareware programmers, if they want to use our libraries (SHI want NO money!) PROGRAMS WHICH SUPPORT THE SHI-ANTIVIRUS.LIBRARIES The SHI-AntiVirLib is a complete package to make your own virus killer or to implement some of this anti-virus.libraries in your own utility programs in a very easy way, if you are programmer. We are thinking, that you can see how important your support is too, if you are using one of the following programs, which are actual using our anti-virus.libraries: * Virus Checker by Johan Veldthuis * Virus Scanner by Gabriele Greco * Fides Professional by John Lohmeyer * Fides Checker by John Lohmeyer * DMS by Michael Pendec, ParCon Software * D-Copy by Stefan Bernbo * X-Xopy by Cachet Software (commercial) * Disk Ute Copy by Alchemy Software. * Xtruder (a BBS!) viruskiller by Martin Wulffeld * Harboot virus analyser by Martin Harbo * Bootwriter by Ralf Thanner * MT-Copy by Gert-Jan Strik, is doing a file- and boot virus check while you are copying disks and is extremly fast too... supprised? FAST ELECTRONIC BBS UPDATE These libraries will be updated every month by Skynet and ADS and like. In that way you will always be able to protect you against the newest viruses monthly. A GLOBAL NEW VIRUS FIGHT The purpose to a implement virus check too in programs, not intended to be virus killers. The purpose is of course to fight more effective against viruses. Many people don't care if they are spreading viruses and other don't know where to get a good virus killer or are using a very old one. THE AIM FOR THIS ANTI-VIRUS LIBRARIES! The SHI anti-virus.libraries special intended to support: Copy programs, disk packer programs, and file copy programs and of course to make your own viruskiller. To-day you will find more and more programs, which are not intended as viruskillers, but these are checking for viruses as addi- tional feature. THE CONTAINS OF THIS SHI ANTI-VIRUS PACKAGE: ------------------------------------------ . BOOTVIRLIB a bootvirus library knowing all different boot viruses. . FILEVIRLIB a file virus library knowing all different file viruses. Special excellent features for repair damaged files after infection of link- and disk-validator viruses. . UNPACKlIB a unpack library knowing more than 150 different file crunchers include the lha and the DMS packer. Excellent to do a real "safe" virus check of chunched files to avoid hidden viruses. And of course.... to unpack all files you wants! @Endnode :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @node Ad "Safe hex international address list" @Next "resident" @Prev "shilibs" @Toc "Main" WHERE YOU CAN GET FREE VIRUS HELP BY PHONING OUR VIRUS "HOTLINE" (Rev. 25-04-94) SHI need 2-3 centres in most of the following countries. Are you more than 25 years old and knowing 2-3 good friends with interrest to run a virus help center. Then please conctact your @{" SHI Main Center " link shiels} SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTER'S @{" ARGENTINA " link ARGENTINA} @{" AUSTRALIA " link AUSTRALIA} @{" AUSTRIA " link AUSTRIA} @{" BELGIUM " link BELGIUM} @{" CZECH " link CZECH} @{" DENMARK " link DENMARK} @{" EAST ASIA " link EAST_ASIA} @{" ENGLAND " link ENGLAND} @{" FINLAND " link FINLAND} @{" FRANCE " link FRANCE} @{" GERMANY " link GERMANY} @{" GREECE " link GREECE} @{" HOLLAND " link HOLLAND} @{" IRAN " link IRAN} @{" IRELAND " link IRELAND} @{" ITALY " link ITALY} @{" NORWAY " link NORWAY} @{" POLAND " link POLAND} @{" PORTUGAL " link PORTUGAL} @{" ROMANIA " link ROMANIA} @{" SLOVAKIA " link SLOVAKIA} @{" AFRICA " link SOUTH_AFRICA} @{" SPAIN " link SPAIN} @{" SWEDEN " link SWEDEN} @{" SWITZERLAND " link SWITZERLAND} @{" TURKEY " link TURKEY} @{" USA " link USA} @{" HUNGARIA " link HUNGARIA} @{" CANADA " link Canada} @{" REP OF CHINA " link CHINA} @{" SAFE HEX BUDDY SYSTEM " link BUDDY} @{" SAFE HEX MAGAZINE " link RESIDENT} @{" SAFE HEX BULLETIN BOARD " link BULLETIN} @endnode ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @node resident "Safe hex international address list"" @Next "bulletin" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SAFE HEX MAGAZINE RESIDENT Vidar Bang Sagah yden 24 9500 Alta Norway Phone: + 47 84 30660 @endnode @node bulletin "Safe hex international address list" @Next "buddy" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN BOARD SUPPORT: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (DAN BBS is one of the best and biggest BBS in Europe) Anti-Virus PC & Amiga CoSysOP: Erik Loevendahl Server: 486DX2-66,32mb-RAM,Adaptec 2842VL Micropolis 1528+4110 (Micro2:86127799) Total harddisks: 4.3 GIGA, 2/8 Giga Sony DAT streamer CD-Server: 386-40mhz,4MB, 18 CD's online ISDN workstation: 386-40mhz, 4MB, TELES Total 14 GB on-line (More than 30 PC's in system) Linie 1 42643827 HST /v32bis Linie 2 43628230 ZyXEL/v32bis Linie 3 43627750 ZyXEL/v32bis Linie 4 43625880 ZyXEL/v32bis Linie 5-19 payment lines! 43623990 ZyXEL/v32bis Linie 21+22 43661070 ISDN Linie 23 43621655 V-Fast 28.8 DAN BBS fax: 42643357 Group 3 HOW TO DO: --------- Do you wish to contact our SHI >free< anti-virus areas for uploads of new virus or download of the newest SHI anti-virus stuff type: "Guest", "Guest" (for free files), and "V" (for the SHI anti-virus free area) IF YOU HAVE A MODEM. PLEASE SEND NEW VIRUSES DIRECT TO OUR BBS WITHOUT YOUR HELP THERE HAVE BEEN NO VIRUS KILLERS TO-DAY, BE QUITE SURE! Or you can contact the SHI CoSysOp at DAN BBS in Denmark by voice: @{" Oh yes! I would like " link shiels} @endnode @node buddy "Safe hex international address list" @Next "holland" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SAFE HEX BUDDY SYSTEM Stefan Daugaard Hansen Traneh jen 236 5250 Odense sv Denmark Phone + 45 65 92 65 42 @endnode @node holland "Safe hex international address list" @Next "australia" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE HOLLAND Marco van den Hout Doornboomplein 9 NL-5081 GR Hilvarenbeek The Netherlands Phone +31 04255 3513 @endnode @node australia "Safe hex international address list" @Next "slovakia" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE AUSTRALIA Amiga Quarantine Brian & Rick Logan P.O. Box 533 Engadine N.S.W 2233 Australia (No phone) @endnode @node slovakia "Safe hex international address list" @Next "czech" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SLOVAKIA Ondrej Krebs SNP 4 908 51 Holic Slovakia Republic Phone: + 0801 3764 @endnode @node czech "Safe hex international address list" @Next "italy" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE CZECH MB Soft Dalimilova 6 130 00 Praha 3 Czech Pepublic @endnode @node italy "Safe hex international address list" @Next "england" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ITALY Massimo Gais V. Vittorio Veneto 31 80029 S. Antimo (NA) Italy Phone + 39 81 5052256 @endnode @node england "Safe hex international address list" @Next "usa" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ENGLAND Paul Browne 304 Leeds Road Eccleshill Bradford W.Yorks BD2 3LQ England Virus Helpline: +44 (0274) 779212 (Monday-Friday, 6pm - 9pm) Fidonet: 2:250/320.4 Amiganet: 39:138/14.4 Internet: shiuk@cix.compulink.co.uk Fax: +44 (0274) 779212 @endnode @node usa "Safe hex international address list" @Next "greece" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTER USA? Do you have the time and the interest to become leader of a "Regional Virus Center" in USA? If so, you are very welcome to contact SHImain, and we will give you all the help you need to start. It is VERY important that you are "at home" with your Amiga and know a lot about viruses and the like, so that you can help people in your own country with their virus problems. @endnode @node greece "Safe hex international address list" @Next "belgium" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE GREECE Konstantinos Angelis P.O. Box 50784 54014 Thessaloniki 22 Greece Phone: +30 431 29207 Fax : +30 431 38214 BBS : +30 431 72171 @endnode @node belgium "Safe hex international address list" @Next "spain" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE BELGIUM Dutch Language: Koen Peetermans Vrijheersstraat 8 B-3891 Gingelom Belgium Phone: + 32 11 48 58 19 SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE BELGIUM French Language: Gregoire Jean-Christophe 64 Franstimmermansstraat 1600 Sint Pieters Leeuw Belgium Phone: + 02 377 76 78 @endnode @node spain "Safe hex international address list" @Next "germany" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SPAIN John Lohmeyer Parque Guell 7 08338 Premia de Dalt Barcelona Spain Phone: + 03 752 38 85 Fax : + 03 752 30 79 BBS : + 03 892 39 83 @endnode @node germany "Safe hex international address list" @Next "sweden" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE GERMANY Do you have the time and the interest to become leader of a "Regional Virus Center" in Sweden? If so, you are very welcome to contact SHImain, and we will give you all the help you need to start. It is VERY important that you are "at home" with your Amiga and know a lot about viruses and the like, so that you can help people in your own country with their virus problems. @endnode @node sweden "Safe hex international address list" @Next "poland" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SWEDEN Do you have the time and the interest to become leader of a "Regional Virus Center" in Sweden? If so, you are very welcome to contact SHImain, and we will give you all the help you need to start. It is VERY important that you are "at home" with your Amiga and know a lot about viruses and the like, so that you can help people in your own country with their virus problems. @endnode @node poland "Safe hex international address list" @Next "france" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE POLAND: Wojtek Gorzkowski Al.Prymasa 1000-lecia 95/102 01-242 Warsaw Poland Voice: +48-22-367443 ( 18:00-21:00 Fax: +48-2-6308411 ( 24h/day) BBS: +48-2-6215669 ( 24h/day) @endnode @node france "Safe hex international address list" @Next "norway" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE FRANCE: Brun Stephane 255 Chemin Fontisson F-84470 Chateaneuf de Gadagne France Phone : + 90 22 54 22 @endnode @node norway "Safe hex international address list" @Next "east_asia" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE NORWAY: Kurt Hansen Lang yveien 13 N-4026 Stavanger Norway Phone : + 47 4 520420 @endnode @node east_asia "Safe hex international address list" @Next "yugoslavia" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE EAST ASIA: Javed Islam P. O. Box 10119 Feroze Pur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan @endnode @node yugoslavia "Safe hex international address list" @Next "argentina" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE YUGOSLAVIA: Nikolic Tomislav Vase Stajica 3 Sombor 25000 Yugoslavia-Serbia Phone: + 382 520 189 BBS : + 813 849 4034 @endnode @node argentina "Safe hex international address list" @Next "finland" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ARGENTINA: Pablo A. Trincavelli Dorrego 459 1 er. piso 2000 Rosario Santa Fe Argentina Phone: +54 41 252906 @endnode @node finland "Safe hex international address list" @Next "portugal" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE FINLAND: Johannes Verwijnen Hiihtom entie 33 B 21 SF-00800 Helsinki Finland Phone: 358 0 759 1263 Phone: 358 0 787 449 @endnode @node portugal "Safe hex international address list" @Next "switzerland" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE PORTUGAL: Alexandre Manuel Reis Casal de S Rua Ant nio Nobre, Lote 5, R/C DTO 2700 Amadora Portugal Phone: + 351 01 494 8932 Fax : + 351 01 494 4662 @endnode @node switzerland "Safe hex international address list" @Next "south_africa" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SWITZERLAND: Meier Remy Hardstrasse 111 CH-4052 Basel Switzerland Phone: + 41 61 312 63 95 Fax : + 41 61 312 63 95 @endnode @node south_africa "Safe hex international address list" @Next "turkey" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE SOUTH AFRICA: Richard Harris P.O.Box 3147 1610 Edenvale South Africa Phone: + 27 011 453 6327 @endnode @node turkey "Safe hex international address list" @Next "austria" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE TURKEY: Volkan U Sakiz Sok. Berkel Ap. 6/2 81300 Kadik y Istanbul Turkey Phone: + (1) 346 86 48 Fax : + (1) 349 96 35 @endnode @node austria "Safe hex international address list" @Next "ireland" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE AUSTRIA: David Van Assche Sieveringer Strasse 126, 4 Vienna 1190 Austria Phone: + 222 44 39 91 Fax : + 222 44 42 51 @endnode @node ireland "Safe hex international address list" @Next "iran" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE IRELAND: Anthony Melia 4 Seagrange Drive Baldoyle Dublin 13 Ireland Phone + 01 39 31 23 @endnode @node iran "Safe hex international address list" @Next "romania" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE IRAN: Soroush Khalatbari 3 floor 32, Mehraban Eskandari-Jonobi street. 13116 Tehran Iran @endnode @node romania "Safe hex international address list" @Next "hungaria" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE ROMANIA: Prundeanu Cristian Str. Rodnei nr. 6 1900 Timisoara Romania @endnode @node hungaria "Safe hex international address list" @Next "canada" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE HUNGARIA Pista Palacy Szechenyi U. 55 II/1 7100 Szekszard Hungaria Phone: +36 74 3130 913 Fax : +36 74 3130 913 @endnode @node canada "Safe hex international address list" @Next "china" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE CANADA: Ray J. Morrell 45 Salisbury Ave. Toronto, ON M4X1C5 Canada Phone: + (416) 324 9513 BBS : + (416) 324 9439 @endnode @node china "Safe hex international address list" @Next "shiels" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI REGIONAL VIRUS CENTRE CHINA Chen Pan 56, Lane 25, Sung-Teh Road Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China Phone: + 886 2 759 1371 Fax : + 886 2 727 1235 @endnode @node shiels "Safe hex international address list" @Prev "Ad" @Toc "Main" SHI MAIN CENTRAL VIRUS CENTRE: (CoSysOP DAN BBS) Erik Loevendahl Soerensen Snaphanevej 10 DK-4720 Praestoe Denmark Voice: +45 55 992512 Fax : +45 55 993498 (PLEASE SEND 2 "COUPON-RESPONSE INTERNATIONAL", IF YOU WANT FUTHER INFORMATION ABOUT SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL BY LETTER). @endnode